Fiona Johnson


Fiona Johnson is currently completing a PhD in landscape architecture, supervised by Dr Jillian Walliss and Assoc. Professor Hannah Lewi, which explores the state of decolonising practice in design through the lens of civic space in Australia and New Zealand. Her work was awarded the 2015 Dean's Prize for Published Postgraduate Research - second prize. She has worked within the faculty as a research assistant, co-authoring the book Indigenous Place: Contemporary Buildings, Landmarks and Places of significance in South East Australia and Beyond as part of the ARC Linkage Project Indigenous Placemaking in Central Melbourne: Representations, Practices and Creative Research. Fiona is a graduate from the Masters program in Landscape Architecture at the University of Melbourne, receiving the 2010 Dean’s Award for Landscape Architecture. She has been tutoring design and history at both Undergraduate and Masters levels in landscape architecture for the past four years.